Here at Evergreen Waste our main purpose is to collect and dispose of your daily household solid waste and to have all other types of waste go to their respective type of disposal. It is our job to ensure that this is done correctly and to protect our employees and equipment from any risk of damage or injury.

Policies and Guidelines

We do not accept the following types of materials in your normal trash service:

  • Yard waste: No Tree branches, stumps, mulch, dirt, rock, leaves, bulk or heavy grass clippings, etc. These items are prohibited from Solid Waste transfer stations and landfills as they should be disposed of in either Construction and Debris landfills or in yard waste facilities for mulching and composting. Local parks and Convenience Centers have drop off receptacles for Yard waste that is recycled and used in local parks.
  • Chemicals/Fuel/Flammables: No paint, sealant, lacquer, Oil/Grease of any type, No wet cell or lithium batteries, No Fuel of any type. No fuel containers such as propane/butane tanks or anything that may contain flammables. No Fireworks or hot coals. These items are strictly prohibited from landfills and may be disposed of at local automotive parts or home improvement stores.
  • Construction debris, wood, metal: No metal such as re-bar, piping, BBQ’s, bicycles, shelving, angle iron, brake rotors, thick wood such as 4X4s, pallets, drywall etc. These items can be catastrophic to our equipment by getting jammed inside the packer systems or poking holes through the side walls or floors. Your local convenience center has drop off receptacle designated for metal and construction debris.
  • Junk/Bulk items: No tires of any type. No furniture or appliances such as stoves, dishwashers, washer/dryer, counter tops, carpeting, drywall, couches, tables, mattress’ etc. Any questionable large item or bulk item must be cleared with Evergreen Waste before putting out for pick up. Drivers discretion determines if item is acceptable. Local convenience centers have drop offs and or donations centers for such items.
  • Overflow Trash: Occasional overflow of up to 3 bags/boxes may be accepted. Extra charges may be applied to your account if we deem overflow to be repetitive, excessive or out of the ordinary pick up. Drivers discretion to be applied. Additional containers available if needed. Call for pricing.
  • Please NO rock, stone, brick, tree stumps or metal allowed in containers. Simply these items are not meant to be compacted and will damage our equipment leaving us with repairs and downtime that could be catastrophic to business.

Thank you for your understanding and your consideration of our safety and our environment! If you have any questions feel free to email us or give us a call.

Shane & Bayson
Evergreen Waste



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